Monday, February 1, 2010

Published in Lowrider Arte Magazine

In case you guys missed it i was published in Lowrider Arte Magazine February & March 2010 Issue. Wile you might think that it has something to do with me or personal work and how i wish this was true it descent, but it does have pictures I took when I cover the Micailhuitl Gallery, this gallery was by far one of the coolest gallery's i been to and covered. This gallery was about celebrating death and the people that have lived with us and died among us. In this gallery there was a lot of talented artist, i could name them all but i think it be nicer for the magazine if you pick up a copy check it out!!

The Cover of the February & March Issue

Here is what the article looks like four pages aka 2 spreads of pics

and here are some of the picture of that day...

Well thanks for checking out the blog i would really like to thank Edgar Hoil and Lowrider Arte Magazine for giving me a chance to display my pictures.. hope you guys enjoyed this post well take it easy and come back soon.. dont for get to pick your self a copy!!!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the shit,and your Arte is bad ass!! I do tattoos in Tucson Arizona I'm known as Littlebull. There are a lot of people checking out your art here.Your guy's Art is all over the internet too.I do art myself and sell it e-mail is later brothers and stay up!!I love to see Natives and Raza coming up!


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